Fresh Pick Up Lines for Stoner Valentines
Keep it fresh this Valentine's Day with these pick up lines for your favorite stoners. Fresh Pick Up Lines for Stoner Valentines Trying to find the right words to win that canna-crush over, or just want to butter up your stoned sweetie? Keep it fresh with these pick up lines for your stoner valentine. *inhale* I want to breathe [...]
Sacramento Budtender Kailey + Canlock Stash Jars
This Fresh Feature explores a conversation between Lara Fordis and Sacramento budtender Kailey about Canlock stash jars. Sacramento Budtender Kailey + Canlock Stash Jars [...]
Portland Budtender Rian + Canlock Stash Jars
This Fresh Feature explores a conversation between Lara Fordis and Portland budtender Rian about Canlock stash jars. Portland Budtender Rian + Canlock Stash Jars [...]
420-Inspired Playlists for the Canlock Nation
Canlock has started creating playlists on Spotify, inspired by our favorite plant. 420-Inspired Playlists for the Canlock Nation Music is one of the [...]
Canlock Designer Stash Jars: Stylish Airtight Storage
Canlock released a new line of designer stash jars. Canlock Designer Stash Jars: Stylish Airtight Storage Canlock is known for their sleek, see-through [...]
Las Vegas Budtender Ashley + Canlock Stash Jars
This Fresh Feature explores a conversation between Lara Fordis and Las Vegas budtender Ashley about Canlock stash jars. Las Vegas Budtender Ashley + Canlock Stash [...]
Stash Jar Giveaway with Fine Artist Ramona Patterson
This Fresh Feature explores the work of fine artist Ramona Patterson + a giveaway. Stash Jar Giveaway with Fine Artist Ramona Patterson We've [...]